OP is a “Web Vortal” offering a new “Territory Brand” and networking a wide area in the provinces of Cremona, Mantova, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Ferrara, Ravenna and Rovigo, with special connections in economy, environment, culture in order to promote public and private initiatives in Italy and abroad. A business window promoting in the world a network of territories sharing excellent features. Local economies with all their best characteristics will benefit in terms of image and networking.
It is a new way to establish a relationship between integrated territorial promotion and applied research.
The design and supply of services allow promotion through an online portal with real time control on how many contacts it generates. In this way, there is a direct cost benefit control over marketing operations.
A piece of Italy
a casket of history, culture and economy since the days of Matilde of Canossa, the Gonzaga and the Estensi.
The birthplace of Virgil, the poet of nature and labour; the tomb of Dante Alighieri.
Have you ever thought of your Company as a part of this Italy made of real economy, history and culture so well renowned all over the world as a quality environment?
Do you know that the main themes of Expo 2015 are “Feeding the planet” and “Energy for life”?
Do you think there could be relationships among your territory, your business and Expo 2015?
Op chose about 100 "Tematic Paths" who link the best things and products that Oriente Padano can offer for everyone who's interested for business or tourism.
100 websites on line who indicate the economic, historical, environmental, cultural connections between territories of Cremona, Mantova, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Ferrara, Ravenna and Rovigo.
An on line starting point where private anche public institutions can talk about development and sustainable future.
OP, in "Typical" section, will offer a specific slot in wich every OP company who produces typical and certified products (DOC, DOCG, IGP, IGT, DOP) can talk about itself.
Certified Wine, cheese, cured meat, vegetables, fruit are one of the most important economic focus of Oriente Padano; with historical, cultural and environmental features are the main link with a sustainable future.
It is an International Exhibition organized by the country that was awarded the opportunity. All other nations are invited through diplomatic channels of the host country. The first Expo took place in London in 1851 and it was so successful that, in later years, other nations took similar initiatives, like the Paris Expo of 1889 that is well remembered for the inauguration of the Eiffel tower. The Bureau International des Expositions regulates the frequency, the quality and the conduct of the iniziative. Every Expo is dedicated to a theme of universal interest. Milano Expo 2015 will focus on two main themes: “Feeding the planet” and “Energy for life”.
On show at Expo 2015: the great issues of sustainable development.
Expo 2015 will be an extraordinary universal event displaying tradition, creativity and innovation in the business of food. It will bring together many themes that have already been handled by this event in the past, and set them out anew in light of new global possibilities whose common core is the idea that everyone on the planet should have access to food that is healthy, safe and sufficient.